Join Us

Have fun and make new  friends who love being outdoors, while enhancing and protecting our park!

We always welcome new members to our Friends group. Joining the Friends of Nerstrand Big Woods can be done one of two ways (individual members ship is $20, family $35 and business $100).  The first and preferred way is to pay your membership dues by using the Parks and Trails link

This allows you to deduct your contribution from your taxes. The other option is to mail a check to- Friends of Nerstrand Big Woods State Park, P.O. Box 105, Nerstrand, MN. 55053.

This option is not tax deductible.

We are also taking donations for the Friends of Nerstrand Big Woods Land Acquisition Fund. 

We hope to see you at the park!

Friends of Nerstrand Big Woods State Park Board Members:

  • Dave Detert
  • Elaine Feikema
  • Norma Monroe
  • Katy Gillispie
  • Diana Hering
  • Steve Carras